About Us
Expertise & Independence
- PCI is an independent consulting firm specializing in the design, implementation, and administration of Cash Balance Plans, Defined Benefit Plans, and 401(k) Profit Sharing Plans.
- We are staffed with high-level professionals that include:
- Principal that is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with over 30 years of experience, who is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants.
- Principal that is a Certified Pension Consultant (CPC), Qualified Pension Administrators (QPA), and Qualified 401(k) Administrators (QKA) with over 15 years of experience with retirement plans.
- In-house staff Enrolled Actuaries, each with over 15 years of Pension Actuarial experience.
- Other professionals that are Qualified 401(k) Administrators (QKA), Qualified Pension Administrators (QPA), and Plan Consultants.
- Since we work on a fee for service basis only and neither accept commissions nor sell any funding products, we maintain our complete independence.
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- Founded in 1978 to fill the need for a firm to handle retirement plan consulting and administrative services for small and medium sized clients without requiring the purchase of insurance or investment products.
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Scope and Philosophy
- We do business in states ranging from Alaska to California to Florida to New York.
- Clients include but are not limited to:
- Medical groups
- Manufacturing companies
- Insurance companies
- Computer consulting firms
- Contractors
- Dental groups
- Banks
- Sales representatives
- Law offices
- CPA offices
- We work extensively with closely held businesses. Our goal is to develop and maintain a close relationship with the owners as well as their legal and financial advisors.
- We continually strive to provide our clients with the highest level of confidence that their retirement plan is being taken care of with a minimum amount of effort from the management of the company.
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